Friday 10/18/24 |
1:30-3:00 pm |
Experiencing Resilience.TOUR: Oregon State Treasury Building, Salem, Oregon (1.5 AIA LU/HSW)Tour of a nationally accredited, USRC Platinum-rated building completed in 2022, the new headquarters of the Oregon State Treasury was engineered to endure earthquakes, floods, wildfires and other calamities. Salem, Oregon. Space limited to those registered for the Symposium. |
4:00 pm |
Registration and Check in GERLINGER LOUNGECheck in at the registration table at Gerlinger Lounge on the University of Oregon campus. Meet symposium participants, practitioners, faculty and students! |
5:30 pm |
Welcome 2024 Reynolds Symposium |
6:00 pm |
What is Resilience.KEYNOTE (1.0 AIA LU/HSW)Evan Reis, Executive Director, U.S. Resiliency Council The keynote presentation of the symposium will consider what makes for resilient design, both conceptually and practically, at different scales, and how we might assess that resilience in the built environment. |
7:00 – 8:30 pm |
Symposium Reception (cash bar) |
Saturday 10/19/24 Lawrence Hall 177 |
7:30 am |
Continental Breakfast |
8:00 am |
Symposium Welcome |
8:15 – 9:15 am |
Dynamics of Resilience.PLENARY (1.0 AIA LU/HSW)Nicholas Rajkovich, Associate Professor, University at Buffalo “Design With (a Variable and Changing) Climate”: This plenary presentation and welcome, will offer different ways that built environment professionals can respond though resilient and adaptative strategies in rapidly changing times of environmental extremes, both in the near-term and for the long-term. As co-editor (with Seth Holmes of RIT) of Climate Adaptation and Resilience Across Scales, the plenary will draw upon topics that describe how the building stock will need to adapt to climate change and weather extremes and how climate-related emergencies can disproportionally affect older adults and people with disabilities and will make specific recommendations on adaptation and coping strategies that can mitigate and minimize the harmful effects of climate change for these populations. |
9:15 – 10:45 am |
Path to Resilience.PANEL and Q&A on Arc Through Time of Resilient & Sustainable Design (1.5 AIA LU/HSW)Panelists: Victor Olgyay, Principal, Rocky Mountain Institute; John Reynolds, Professor Emeritus, University of Oregon; Ann Edminster, Consultant/Educator, Design AVEnues This panel will explore how ideas of sustainability and resilience have arisen in the design of the built environment; first in establishing some of the key foundations of sustainable design, examples of projects have survived over time, and how these approaches and strategies inform future design resilience. Panelists will discuss case studies, bioclimatic approaches, collaborations with diverse building teams, synergies and challenges of advancing sustainability and resilience goals, and tools to be used that participants can use to advocate and apply in their own projects and practice.
11:15 – 12:45 pm |
Scales of Resilience.PANEL and Q&A on Scales & Scopes of Resilience & Sustainability(1.5 AIA LU/HSW)Panelists: Dr. Carrie Brown, Director, Resource Refocus; Gunnar Hubbard, Sustainability Consultant,, Andre Le Duc, Resilience Officer, University of Oregon This panel address resilience and sustainability at the building and community scales, to deal with various scopes of climate issues related to climate projections, health, and the capacity of communities, particularly vulnerable populations to prepare and adapt to climate change. Information on how design professionals are currently addressing design, construction, and operations at these scales will be shared through projects from different locations. |
12:45 – 2:00 pm |
Lunch/Networking — Lawrence Hall (Hearth on 2nd floor) |
2:00 – 3:30 pm |
Making Resilience Happen.PANEL and Q&A on Making Resilient & Sustainable Projects Happen(1.5 AIA LU/HSW)Panelists: Craig Stockbridge, Principal, GBD Architects; Chris Lowen, Director of Building Sciences, Glumac; Dan McNally, Business Operations Manager, Oregon State Treasury; Allison Anderson, Principal, unAbridged Architecture Resilient design can be achieved when teams collaborate in ways that foster a process that embraces common goals (and risks) as opportunities for teams to step outside their typical way of doing business and come up with innovative solutions. Practitioners from the Pacific Northwest and the Southeast will feature two different narratives within the theme of discussing: “How Did you make it Happen?” The design team for the Oregon State Treasury building in Salem, Oregon and principal of unAbridged Architecture in Mississippi will describe what strategies worked (and didn’t work) for an anticipated seismic event and the resilience of buildings on the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina. Specific approaches will be shared on how to provide resilience and economic longevity in the design of buildings to strengthen communities. |
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm |
Engaging with Resilience: Interactive Engagement Activity
4:30 pm – 5:00 pm |
Agency in Resilience. Closing remarks |
5:15 pm – 7:30 pm |
Symposium Reception (cash bar) |
2024 Reynolds Symposium
School of Architecture & Environment
5249 University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-5249